
RSA variable. Interest rate.
$0.00 to $9,999.99 0.05% p.a.
$10,000.00 plus. 1.45% p.a.
RSA term deposit. Interest rate.
6 months. 4.20% p.a.
12 months. 4.45% p.a.
24 months. 3.75% p.a.

Term Deposits.

Gross rate of interest before deduction of government earnings tax.

Where terms exceed 12 months, interest will be paid into your RSA Variable account on the anniversary of the funding date. Interest payable in respect of the last 12 months or part thereof is added to the balance at maturity.

RSA Variable.

Account balances earn interest according to the applicable tiered interest rate on the entire account balance. Interest is calculated daily on the closing balance and credited annually on 30 June.

Gross rate of interest before deduction of government earnings tax.

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