Runners in a race

Our community.

Runners in a race

We understand the positive impact a strong community has on the health and wellbeing of those serving in the ADF and their families.

That's why we are proud to foster ADF connections by contributing to community initiatives through funding, volunteering, and participation.

Community support applications.

If you’re a Defence Bank member and would like to apply for community support, first read our guidelines before proceeding with your application. 

Please allow up to five weeks for the assessment of your application. If your application is successful please allow an additional four weeks for any support to be organised.


A few things you need to know before applying for support.

Learn more.

On-base community event.

Start your applications for on-base family days and Christmas events.

Apply for on-base event support.

Community support.

Start your application for support of your ADF affiliated appeal.

Apply for community support.

Military Life.

We recognise and fully support the important role of Defence spouses, and we're proud to partner with Beck Rayner, the founder of the Military Life (MWL) community.

Beck's exceptional work through MWL not only provides a safe space for ADF spouses to connect but also offers valuable information and stories that address the unique challenges faced by spouses in her community. Visit the MWL website here.



In 2018, Defence Bank proudly supported the DEFGLIS Annual Military Pride Ball. Since then, we have been dedicated to partnering with DEFGLIS, a non-partisan volunteer charity that serves LGBTIQ+ members of the Australian Defence Force, as well as ex-service members, veterans, and their families.
Their mission focuses on fostering inclusion and respect, ultimately enhancing Defence outcomes.

Defence Bank shares these core values of inclusion, justice, integrity, and community, and we remain committed to supporting this important work.

Connecting Defence communities.

Our bank and our people are dedicated to serving the Defence community who live a life like no other.

Each year, we proudly support a variety of local Defence events and organisations, including DCO Family Days, activities for veterans, spouses, and children, as well as sporting clubs. These initiatives aim to foster a stronger, more connected Defence community.