Disclosure documents.

Disclosure documents contain in-depth information about our financial products and services, including any significant benefits and risks, the cost of the financial product and the fees and charges the financial product issuer may receive.

We’ve included a range of disclosure documents below to ensure you’re fully aware of the product you’re receiving and the commitment you’re making regarding financial services with Defence Bank.

Please read the following disclosure documents thoroughly so you can proceed with our services with confidence:

Product terms and conditions.


Rates schedules.


Fees and charges.


Capital disclosure.

Remuneration disclosure.

Reserve Bank of Australia — RMBS data submissions.

Cash flow waterfall models and de-indentified loan level data relating to securitisation transactions originated by the bank are available free of charge to users who require it to evaluate RMBS for investment purposes or for professional or academic research purposes.

To obtain this data, request it here.

Please note: Users requesting this data will be required to substantiate the purpose for which the data is required as well as entering into an agreement limiting the use of the data to this purpose only.


Salute Series RMBS Reporting.

See the Salute Series 2021-1 reports.


Workplace Gender Equality Public Report.

In accordance with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cwlth), we are pleased to advise Defence Bank has lodged its annual report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency for the year ending 31 March 2024.

As members of our bank, you may comment on the report by emailing Kristen Bugeja, Chief People Officer (email: kristen.bugeja@defencebank.com.au) or by contacting the Agency directly. Please refer to www.wgea.gov.au for the Agency’s guidelines on this process.

Download Defence Bank's Workplace Gender Equality Report for the year ending 31 March 2024.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement.

Download our 2024 statement.

As members of our bank, you may comment on the report by emailing Kristen Bugeja, Chief People Officer (peopleandcapabilty@defencebank.com.au) or by contacting the Agency directly. Please refer to www.wgea.gov.au for the Agency’s guidelines on this process.

Modern Slavery Statement.

Download the statement.