Woman holding credit card looking at laptop.

A life like no other deserves a bank like no other.

We know that partners play an important role in Defence, too.

Woman holding credit card looking at laptop.

You can count on us.

Those in Defence get thanked for their service, but you're the unsung hero with the world on your shoulders. As the powerhouse of personal admin, the one carrying the mental load, you're living a life like no other.

But while you're kicking goals at home, let us tick some things off your list.


The bank for the ADF.

We're the experts in what ADF members need from a bank.

  • Approved lender of the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme (DHOAS), which offers home loan repayment subsidies to eligible applicants.
  • An award-winning app, Online Banking, an Australia-based call centre and the most on-base branches in the country, we're never far away.

We support the Defence spouse community.

Defence spouses have each other’s backs, making them an incredible source of support and information for partners and loved ones of those who serve.

We've partnered with the Military Life network - a place for the community to connect and tell their stories. With a podcast, social media groups, and monthly face-to-face events, there's plenty of ways to get involved.


Defence Bank's Kym Bowles appeared on the Military Wife Life podcast to take ADF spouses through the grants and benefits available to them as new homebuyers.

Find out more in the Military Wife Life blog post.


We also proudly support the Australian Military Wives Choir by <<what we do>>.

Other ways we support spouses

Whatever you need, for whatever's ahead.

With over 30% of our frontline employees having a direct link to ADF members themselves, you’ll easily find a like-minded someone to speak to, even if it’s simply someone when you call our service centre who just gets it.

Power of Attorney information.


Frequently asked questions.

When a member passes away, we can only share their specific account information with their Legal Representative (Executor(s), Administrator(s) or Next of Kin as the case may be).

Prior to releasing any specific account information Defence Bank will require a copy of the Death Certificate and evidence to be provided confirming the role the individual holds in relation to the deceased’s estate.

Depending what role the individual holds we may also request additional documents such as the Deceased’s Will, Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.

If the deceased is the holder of a deposit account jointly with one or more others, the deceased’s name will be removed from the account once an original certified copy of the Death Certificate is provided. The account continues in the name(s) of the surviving account owner(s) and is not part of the Estate of the deceased.

Under the laws of survivorship, on the death of the joint account holder, the account belongs to the surviving account owner(s).

It is important to note that funds held in joint accounts generally will not form part of the estate and as such can continue to be operated by the surviving account owner(s).

Note: Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration is not required in relation to joint accounts.

Upon notification of a member's passing all Power of Attorney and signing authorities, the member has granted to third parties are void and these individuals will no longer have access to these accounts.

Note: Any card access on the deceased’s accounts held by those with authority to operate on the deceased’s accounts (e.g. authorised signatory or POA), this access will be cancelled and these cards should also be securely destroyed.

The only person permitted to act on behalf of a person who has passed away is the Executor(s) or other Legal Representative(s) as appointed by the court.