Variable and fixed interest rate discount.
No monthly fees.
No application fees.
Added benefits.
The cream of the crop when it comes to our range of home loans on offer. This is the option for you if you want the ultimate in value across your entire financial set up, including one simple annual fee, no fees for extra repayments and benefits across our debit card, credit card, insurance, personal loan and term deposit options.
Everything you could want in a home loan, this has it - not to mention our Australia-based Contact Centre team who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of being in the Defence community.
Key features.
- Fixed rate options 1 to 5 years.
- No application or establishment fees.
- No monthly fees.
- No annual fee on our Defence Bank Foundation credit card.
- No fees for extra repayments.
- 15% discount on CGU home, contents and landlord insurance.
- No application fee on personal loans.
- 0.15% p.a. bonus rate on standard term deposits.